Kristin Harper and Clarisa Marcus, October 12, 11am, 2013
Welcoming Music -
Entrance - “Crazy Little Think Called Love” by Queen
Invocation - Rev. Anya and Rev. Charles Harper (Father of Kristin, Bride)
Chalice Lighting - Members of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Sterling
Let this flame be to us a symbol of the holiness we seek. Its brightness dispelling gloom, lighting a path to faith and hope. Its glow a harvest of the sacred bonds which link us to one to another.
Recognition of Families -
Some of those sacred bonds that link us one to another are formed in the womb - in the bonds of parent and child. Clarisa and Kristin wish to give special recognition to their families who have nurtured them and brought them to this time and place.
These children have come out of your family circles. They are living expressions of your love. They have been blessed by your affection and guided by your counsel. It is their desire to link your two family circles while honoring the heritage of each.
Will the the mothers please step forward and light the candles on each side of our unity candle. ...
Bringing flame to these candles you testify your commitment to honor and sustain the bond between your two families.
Declaration of Intent -
Kristin and Clarisa of all the souls you know, you have chosen one another. Knowing what you know of each other and trusting in what you do not know yet, are you now ready to marry?
- We are.
Then will you please use the lights your mothers have kindled to light the center flame.
Affirmation -
We have gathered as witnesses to this union, but not as witnesses alone, as it is the cause of all who are present to sustain and bless this couple. Will you honor Kristin and Clarisa with your commitment to their union? I welcome you to say We Do.
- We do.
Prayer - Rev. Charles Harper
Musical Interlude - “The Luckiest” by Ben Folds
Reading: “Being Real” Excerpt from the Velveteen Rabbit by Marjorie Williams
Homily - Rev. Anya
Kristin, Clarisa, you are not shabby, you don’t have loose joints, nor are your eyes dropping out, but you are real. You are most certainly real - and your love is most certainly real.
Do you even need this wedding? I don’t believe you do... not to make
your love real. You might not even need it to solidify your commitment. You firm your commitment every time you pause before frustration to laugh at one another’s quirks, or to look deeply into one another’s eyes seeing and being fully seen.
You might not need this ceremony but we do.
We need it to witness the breath and depth of your love. We need it to sit back in awe and wonder at the beauty you create when you share one another’s presence.
We need it to witness the indefatigability of your commitment... and perhaps take steps in our own relationships to mirror the strength and resilience you model.
And perhaps we all (you included) need to be reminded of the struggles you have faced - and worked through together... struggles of compromised health, compromised finances - while you put one another through school, and the simple but real struggle of building a relationship while you are also building your lives.
We, and perhaps you, need to remember how much you have already been through ... from the initial stumbling toward affection with holy socks and a covetousness toward a certain financial planner (inside joke for the couple) to building a community here, in this place, because you yearned for a space to call home.
We need to be here, to witness because what you have is individual, it is yours, and it may not be recognized legally in every state in our union, but it is and will be recognized here. Because it is beautiful and real enough to bless all who witness... Because it it beautiful and real enough that we dare call it blessed by the God of our understanding and beyond our understanding.
We are here with you - to proclaim your love, and we are here to hold you accountable. No union is easy to sustain. May you find strength in us - may you give yourselves over to us - friends, family and congregation so we can be sustenance when you need.
Remember that the depth of your souls are held by the depth of that which is wider and deeper - ever and always. You are now and will always be held in an un-ebbing circle of life. And today, in this hour, you claim your space in that circle - bound by no obligation save the one that love has ordained.
Amen and May it be so.
Hymn - #1064 “Blue Boat Home”
Vows -
Exchange of Rings -
Blessing: by Sharon Marcus (Hebrew, then English) "You and I will change the world" -
You and I, then all will follow.
You and I will start at the beginning
It may be difficult, but that doesn’t matter, it’s not so bad. Others have said it before, but that doesn’t matter.
You and I will change the world.
Announcement - Rev. Charles and Rev. Anya
Recessional - Reprise “Crazy Little Thing”